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Kihei Walking Tour

Our fan-favorite tour of South Maui that concludes with an epic sunset.

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Kihei Public Library

Service Description

Join Maui Walking Tours on a guided walk through the history of Kihei. Learn about the Hawaiian community that called this region of South Maui home, the influence of the US military during WWII, and the tourism boom of the 1960s and 1970s. Stories shared on the walk were collected first hand through one-on-one meetings with city architects, historians, authors, county officials, cultural advisors, and families that have living in Kihei for multiple generations. We will meet on the sidewalk in front of the Kihei Library (on Waimahaihai St.). Look for our tour guide with a Maui Walking Tours polo shirt. Please don't park in the library parking lot, as they may close the gates. *You may want to bring a water bottle and sunscreen as we will be outdoors for the duration of this walk.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you commit to a reservation, we ask that you please show up. We limit each tour to just 20 spots to keep tour groups small and engaging. By confirming a time slot and not showing up, you prevent others from enjoying our tours, which is a shame. Just like you shouldn't take rocks home with you from Maui, you shouldn't book a free walking tour and then not show up. We aren't saying you will be cursed, but maybe?!

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